
Fox Canyon

Groundwater Management Agency

A State of California Water Agency

fox canyon logo
Board of Directors
Eugene F. West, Chair, Director, Camrosa Water District
David Borchard, Vice Chair, Farmer, Agricultural Representative
Kelly Long, Supervisor, County of Ventura
Lynn Maulhardt, Director, United Water Conservation District
Tony Trembley, Mayor, City of Camarillo
Executive Officer
Jeff Pratt, P.E.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (FCGMA) Board of Directors will hold a Board Special Hybrid Meeting at 1:30 P.M. on Friday, March 08, 2024, in the Board of Supervisor’s Hearing Room and via Zoom, at the Ventura County Government Center, Hall of Administration, Main Plaza Level at 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California.

Board Members: Please contact the Executive Officer by phone at (805) 654-2073 or via FAX at (805) 654-3350 by Monday before the Regular meeting if you are unable to attend. Agenda items are numbered for identification purposes only and may not necessarily be considered in this order.
(NOTE: The Board reserves the right to limit each speaker to five (5) minutes per subject or topic if necessary). The audio/video portion of every public meeting of the Board of Directors is recorded. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, all possible accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities so they may attend and participate in meetings. If special assistance is needed, please call the Agency staff at (805) 654-2014 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so proper arrangements may be assured.  If requested, and as possible, agendas will be provided in alternative formats.
NOTE: For more information, full agenda packets, or information on past meetings, visit our WEBSITE at
March 08, 2024

Call to Order

Board Chair will call the meeting to order.



Pledge of Allegiance

Board member will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.



Roll Call

Attending Board members, alternates, and staff will be recorded by the Board Clerk.



Agenda Review

Consider and approve by majority vote, any minor revisions to Board Agenda items and/or attachments and any item(s) added or removed from this Agenda.



Public Comments

Audience members may speak about FCGMA-related matters not on today’s Agenda. California State law does not allow any response or action from the Board concerning non-agenda topics at this time; however, topics can be placed on future agendas or referred to staff. Please come to the podium, and state you name and affiliation for the record before commenting on any particular subject.



Board Member Comments

An opportunity for Board members to make comments or to communicate with other Directors, staff, and/or the public regarding non-agenda topics. 


Regular Agenda


Amend Regular Meeting Schedule for the Remainder of Calendar Year 2024(New Item) 

(1) Approve the amended 2024 Board Regular Meeting Schedule as submitted or as modified by the Board.


Report on Executive Committee Hiring of Outside Counsel to Evaluate Legal Staffing Options for the Agency – (New Item)

(1) Receive a report from the Executive Committee on the hiring of outside counsel to evaluate the Agency’s staffing options; (2) Authorize the release of memorandum from Rutan & Tucker, LLP Re: Alternatives for Staffing Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency.


Approval of the Three Voting Members of the Las Posas Valley Basin Technical Advisory Committee  [LPV Watermaster] – (New Item)

(1) Approve voting member nominees to the Las Posas Valley Watermaster Technical Advisory Committee; (2) Authorize the Executive Officer to enter into a professional services contract with each TAC nominee on the standard form shown (Attachment 3B) for a two-year term at the hourly billing rates shown (Attachment 3A); and (3) Authorize the Executive Officer to approve amendments to the standard form contract to conform with the judgment entered in the Las Posas Valley groundwater adjudication (Judgment) and subject to Agency Counsel review and approval.


It is the intention of the Board of Directors to meet in Closed Session to consider the following items:



CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov. Code, §54956.9) PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9, SUBDIVISION (d), PARAGRAPH (1):  NAME OF CASE: OPV Coalition et al v. Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, Ventura Superior Court Case No. 56-2021-00555357-CU-PT-VTA



PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Gov. Code, § 54957(b)(1)) TITLE: Interim Executive Officer


Adjourn Meeting

The following information is provided to help you understand, follow, and participate in the Board meeting:

Public Comments – Public comment is the opportunity for members of the public to participate in meetings by addressing the Fox Canyon Board of Directors in connection with one or more agenda or non-agenda items.

The following options allow for public participation:

1. Join the Zoom Meeting as an Attendee:

Passcode: 844676

With this option you will be able to raise your hand, and the Clerk of the Board will give you speaking abilities to make a public comment.

2. Observe the Board of Directors meeting streaming live by clicking on the video icon next to the meeting title listed at:

3. Call in to listen to the meeting:

Telephone: 1 669 444 9171
Webinar ID: 893 1470 6453
Options 2 and 3 will not allow you to make direct speaking comments. If you wish to make a comment, please follow the steps below.

If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, please submit your comment via email by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. Please submit your comment to the Clerk of the Board at [email protected]. Please indicate in the Subject Line, the Agenda item number (e.g., Item No. 9). Your email will be read by the Board of Directors and placed into the record.

If you are watching the live stream of the Board meeting and would like to make either a general public comment (item E) for items not on the day’s agenda or to comment on a specific agenda item as it is being heard, please submit your comment, limited to 250 words or less, to the Clerk of the Board at [email protected]. Please indicate in the Subject Line, the Agenda item number (e.g., Item No. 9). Every effort will be made to read your comment into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations. Comments received after an agenda item will be made part of the record if received prior to the end of the meeting.

The FCGMA Board strives to conduct accessible, orderly, and fair meetings where everyone can be heard on the issues. The Board Chair will conduct the meeting and establish appropriate rules and time limitations for each item.  The Board can only act on items designated as Action Items. Action items on the agenda are staff proposals and may be modified by the Board as a result of public comment or Board member input. Additional information about Board meeting procedures is included after the last agenda item.

Administrative Record: Material presented as part of testimony will be made part of the Agency’s record, and 10 copies should be left with the Board Clerk. This includes any photographs, slides, charts, diagrams, etc.
ADA Accommodations: Persons who require accommodation for any audio, visual, or other disability in order to review an agenda or to participate in the Board of Directors meeting per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), may request such accommodation in writing addressed to the Clerk of the FCGMA Board, 800 So. Victoria Avenue, Location #1610, Ventura, CA 93009-1610, or via telephone by calling (805) 654-2014. Any such request should be made at least 48 hours prior to the Regular Board meeting so staff can make the necessary arrangements.
Availability of Complete Agenda Package: A copy of the complete agenda package is available for examination at the FCGMA office during regular working hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday) beginning five days before the Regular Board meeting. Agenda packet contents are also posted on the FCGMA website as soon as possible and left there for archival retrieval in case reference is needed on previously considered matters. Questions about specific items on the agenda should be directed to the Agency’s Executive Officer.
Continuance of Items: The Board will endeavor to consider all matters listed on this agenda. However, time may not allow the Board to hear all matters listed. Matters not heard at this meeting may be carried over to the next Board meeting or to a future Board meeting. Participating individuals or parties will be notified of the rescheduling of their item prior to the meeting. Please contact the FCGMA staff to find out about rescheduled items.
Electronic Information and Updates: Our website address is Information available online includes the Board’s meeting schedule, a list of the Board members and staff, general information, and various Agency forms. If you would like to speak to a staff member, please contact the FCGMA Clerk of the Board at (805) 654-2014.